Friday, October 5, 2012

Pink Covers The Advocate November 2012

  Making a remarkable career comeback with the release of her sixth studio album "The Truth About Love," Pink pitched in on promotions by covering the November 2012 issue of The Advocate magazine.

  Covering her chest with black tape and a sheer tank top, the 33-year-old singer looked stunning in a corset and blazer for the Deborah Anderson shot front page while opening up about life as a celebrity to being credited as Adele's inspiration.

  On Forbes magazine naming her the 27th most powerful celebrity in the world:
  “I still look at that sh*t and think it’s hilarious, I feel my power as a female and as a human being. I definitely do not feel my power as whatever Forbes was talking about.”



  On inspiring Adele to become a performer:
  “That’s so huge for me. I’m a fellow outcast, and for somebody to say that they were at my party once is like, Really? That’s so cool, they were there. F*ck, she was 13 — how old does that make me? If I had to influence anybody, I’m so grateful it’s her.”

  On living in the spotlight:
  “I’ve definitely gotten used to being uncomfortable. It’s kind of my thing. I get a little embarrassed sometimes, but it goes away quickly because I get a kick out of sharing it. I know that I’m an oversharer and I always tell too much and I always take it that one step too far, but that’s how I really am. I can’t believe that people are still shockable.”

  On her LGBT fans:
  “They’ve been the most loyal part of what I do. They’ve been my most loyal friends, to be honest. I’ve had a lot of my gay boys around, but my gay girls are my rootstalk.  I should be gay by the way that I look and the way that I am. I just happen to not be. But it just makes perfect and complete sense.”

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